Friday, September 02, 2005

I'm so bored living life

So hi to who knows who. I've never written a blog before but I'm bored out of my mind and can't think of anything else to do with myself. I'm even so bored I can't go back to sleep. Yeah. Sigh. So here's a little about me: I graduated in May from Boston University with my bachelors in Biomedical Engineering, went to China with my mother's family and found my roots or something like that (along with a huge market for real flushing toilets), and spent the rest of the summer mid-July onwards relaxing/moving. The boyfriend, Scott, bought a condo two doors down from my old apartment and we have been moving. Scott, being very very disorganized and making more money than he should and therefore buying more toys than he should, had so much stuff to move and sort through it was miserable.
Here we are at today. The boyfriend is in Asia and has been for almost two weeks and will be for another week. Since I got angry at him for making me finish moving alone (very very bad from fourth floor apartment without an elevator) I decided we should break up and then he bribed me into not breaking up with him by buying me a plane ticket to meet him in Tokyo next week. But then he didn't buy the ticket and now I don't know what to think because I fell for the non-existant bribe sigh. I have just been sitting at home knitting a sweater all day because now I can't even be bothered to care. I'd take pictures of my sweater-in-progress but I think half made things look ugly so the world can see it online when it's done. Maybe I'll get a job next week instead of going to Tokyo.

We live in the periwinkle house with a plastic picket fence.


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