Sunday, October 09, 2005

Theory: The Fetus is a Parasite

A parasite is an organism that lives in or on the living tissue of a host organism at the expense of that host. The biological interaction between the host and the parasite is called parasitism. Parasitism is a type of symbiosis, by one definition, although another definition of symbiosis excludes parasitism, since it requires that the host benefit from the interaction as well as the parasite.

So again, how is the "When does life begin" question relevent?

And what's wrong with abortions?

Question: When Does Life Begin?

The answer to whether or not a fetus is alive: 4 billion years ago.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

I need a real job somebody please help

I'm going crazy. I need a real grown up job with real grown up people where I get to dress up in my real grown up clothes and buy Miu Miu shoes.