Thursday, September 22, 2005

Motivation to get a job

Well anyways, Brussels was fun. I told my mother today that we saw some wonderful museums and went to a marrionette show when really I was too tired to go to the show on Saturday and told Scott we'd go the next night knowing full well that the shows only play from Wednesday to Saturday, not on Sunday and not before we left on Tuesday. We ate french food instead. The museums, though not particularly far from the hotel, were beyond a few cute shop-lined streets aimed at target market: 20somethings. Oh yep that's me. Yes, we did not make it the ten minute walk to the museums, though we tried four times over three days. I do protest, however, that we here in Beantown got H&M but no Zara.

I finally applied for a job two weeks ago. Yes, the fact that I applied for a job now makes me "unemployed". I haven't even gotten the job. If I could go back two weeks in time, I wouldn't have applied. Yes, President Bush you don't count as "unemployed" if you aren't seeking employment whether or not you actually are employed.

And this is why I guess I need a job even if it means I have to be "unemployed" while I look for one:

I want a smart car. I want. I want. I want.

Who wants a big car. If we all just got along and drove smart cars that don't cause hurricanes that cause flooding that cause a toxic waste pool the size of New Orleans in New Orleans wouldn't the world be a better place?


Blogger Life in Progress said...

Don't think of yourself as "unemployed" but rather as "underemployed". You're talents are just not being fully utilized at this time.

11:17 AM  

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